Camilla Red Beans (dried) are the only beans to use when making this Louisiana classic.

Here is a “celebrity still” of Shalon after her appearance in Green Valley Baptist Church’s 2004 Christmas production The Christmas Post. Shalon played Olive, a sales clerk, in Herzog’s Department Store. The play was set in the 1940’s and everyone thought she had the best costume.

2 cups Camilla Red Beans

Medium to large onion

1 package smoked sausage or kielbasa

5 medium bay leaves

Tony Chachere’s Original Creole Seasoning

Red pepper flakes

Garlic powder

Salt and pepper

Rinse beans and place in  a crockpot. Pour water over beans enough to have two inches of water between beans and top of water. Slice a medium to large onion and cook on low for 6 hours.

About 30 minutes before serving, remove ½ cup of the beans, mash them with a fork and return to the crockpot. Also, add smoked sausage or kielbasa sliced into bite-sized rounds.

Serve over rice.

Note: You can cook this dish also on the stove in a stockpot. Cook uncovered for 2 ½ hours, and add water as necessary to ensure the beans create a soup and do not burn. 

Main Courses, 2004