Shalon invented this recipe as a teenager when it was her responsibility to fix dinner after Mother started to work.

Shalon running alongside as daughter, Brittany, learns to ride her bike.
1 whole chicken, cut in half
½ stick butter or margarine
1 large onion
1 bell pepper
2 tablespoons shortening
2 tablespoons all purpose flour
Place the chicken in a deep casserole dish.
Sauté the butter, onion and bell pepper in a skillet. When tender, remove them from the pan. Melt the shortening in the skillet and add the flour. Stir constantly until the flour is brown.
Add 1 cup of milk and stir into a gravy. Add 3 chicken bouillon cubes, 1 can cream of mushroom soup, and the onions and bell pepper. Pour mixture over chicken.
Bake at 350º F. for 1 hour. Serve over rice.
Main Courses, 2001