Grandmother says this gravy is just one of those things you grow up knowing how to do. (Now we will too!)

This picture was taken outside the Winnebago during one of Auburn University’s football games. Peri was in the marching band and Grandmother and Pa were great supporters. (It was a lot of fun, too!)
2 heaping tablespoons bacon grease
3 heaping tablespoons flour (any kind is okay)
1 beef bouillon cube
1 cup milk and 1 cup water combined
Worcestershire sauce to taste
“Start with equal parts of bacon grease and flour. Mix in a hot skillet and brown to a good brown (almost to the burnt stage.) Pour in equal parts milk and water. When the mixture gets to the boiling point it will start to thicken. Heat until it reaches the thickness you desire (to use it as a sauce for roast beef or mashed potatoes.) Add a beef bouillon cube and a dash or two of Worcestershire for seasoning. You want the finished gravy thinner than if it is Bulldog, so add more liquid if you need to. (See Grandmother and Pa’s Bulldog Gravy) You need to always be stirring it from the getgo.”
Makes 1 ½ cups.
Gravies, Sauces, & Dressings, 2004