Since daughter Judy loved this pie so much, Betty made them anytime there was a big holiday dinner. One year, Howard Bennett (Pa) hid it from Judy as a joke and that was all it took. After that, every time there was a French Coconut Pie there would be a race to see who could hide it from who first and a hunt would ensue. Sometimes Judy would hide it in the bathtub so she could whisk it back to her home after dinner. And once, Alexander hid it from Judy in the trunk of a car.

Judy cooking in Shalon and Steve’s kitchen in Pelham, Alabama. Maybe even making a pie!

Recipe makes 2 pies.

2 cups sugar

4 teaspoons all purpose flour

4 whole eggs, beaten

2 cups milk

1 stick melted butter

1 teaspoon vanilla

Dash of salt

1 cup coconut

2 unbaked regular pie shells

Combine ingredients and pour into pie shells. Bake at 350º F. for 30 minutes, then 300º F. for an additional 30 minutes.

Desserts, 2004