Betty made this every Christmas as a treat for her son, Steve, and always packaged it in a square tin with a picture of a ship on it. Upon further investigation, we found that the tin was received as a gift (it had cookies in it) from Dr. Davis, a neighbor and Ted’s doctor in 1965 when Ted fell off the roof and broke his ankle. Today, the tin is still used for storing Maw Maw Lowry’s Chocolate Fudge – but only until it’s gone!

Betty had a broken bone of her own at one time. She broke her wrist in a fall – but that didn’t stop her from cooking and hosting Thanksgiving dinner at her house that year.

4 cups sugar

1 14 oz. can evaporated milk

1/4 cup butter or margarine

1 jar marshmallow cream

1 cup chopped nuts

2 6 oz. package semi sweet chocolate chips

1 teaspoon vanilla

Bring sugar milk and butter to a boil. Cook to soft ball stage (239º F.) stirring frequently. Add marshmallow cream, nuts, vanilla and chocolate chips. Stir until melted. Pour into 9×13 buttered pan. Let cool and cut into squares.

Desserts, 2001