Kim doesn’t remember where she got this recipe but it has become THE recipe the whole family reaches for when they need a party punch. This refreshing, slushy punch has been served at many, many baby showers, Peri’s 40th birthday surprise party, Brittany’s graduation open house, and just recently at Victoria’s bridal tea!

Here’s Victoria at the drink table at Peri’s house during Peri’s Meet the New Baby Tea/Shower for Caleb. And look! There’s the punch bowl.

The punch was a big hit at Victoria’s bridal tea!
2 large boxes lime JELL-O
4 cups hot water
4 46 oz. cans pineapple juice
6 large lemons or lemon juice
4 cups sugar
3 quarts water
4 2-liter bottles ginger ale
Mix the ingredients above and freeze into bricks (plastic bowls with tops and small enough to fit your punch bowl will do, or to be more decorative, bundt pans.)
To serve, place frozen bricks in punch bowl and pour ginger ale over the top.
Appetizers & Beverages, 2004