Brittany discovered this recipe in her freshman year of high school in a class entitled Family and Consumer Sciences. She loved it and wanted to share.

Brittany hadn’t quite made it to high school when this picture was taken, but she and Alex were already in the kitchen working on developing their own brand of cuisine. This picture (with Alexander) was taken while working on a made up concoction called “Ooga-Booga-Pie.”

1 cup and 2 tablespoons all-purpose flour

3/4 cup milk

1 teaspoon almond extract

1 large egg

1/8 teaspoon salt

1 teaspoon baking powder

Mix all ingredients together in a bowl. Have hot oil ready for deep frying (375º F.). Place your finger under the small hole of a funnel and fill it with 1/4 cup batter. Using caution, hold funnel over oil and let batter drizzle into it, moving your hand around in a circular pattern. (Brittany says, you can take a spoon and drizzle the mix into the oil, if you don’t have a funnel.) Repeat, making as many as will comfortably fit into the fryer. With tongs, turn the cake over in the oil when it is golden brown on the bottom. When cooked, take out and drain on a plate covered with a paper towel. Sprinkle powdered sugar on top and serve hot.

Desserts, 2001